How to recognize and overcome the fear of rejection
I am yet to find a human who doesn’t desire to be loved and accepted by everyone they come across in their lives. Rejection in my opinion is refusing to include someone just because they are not felt valued at that moment. Do you struggle with overcoming the fear of rejection?
This post is close to my heart as it is part of my own story leading to living in freedom today.
The spirit of rejection makes one feel worthless and unaccepted all the time.
You believe that everyone is against you and no one will understand you.
The spirit of rejection is a bondage that will attack our self -esteem and our calling in life.
It blinds us from experiencing healing, true healing, and freedom.
Rejection can be faced in the following areas, but not limited to
unwanted pregnancy in utero
Abandoned after birth
Rough upbringing
Preference of one sibling over other in the home.
Social rejection
Physical, sexual, emotional, and mental abuses.
A diagnosis making you feel that your own body betrayed you.
-One will go to the extreme of developing a carefully detailed and well scripted lifestyle in case the real ‘you’ will get rejected
-Rejection makes one put more effort to be a people pleaser and throw out your authentic self
-They will rather go to their shell than risk getting hurt again
-One will find themselves in a cycle of fight, fright, flight.
Jesus was born to a virgin who was betrothed to Joseph. Imagine the stigma of being a single mom in those days.
–Were you raised by a single mama or grandma?
He had to flee with Mary and Joseph in the middle of the night when Herod announced that all 2-year-old boys will be killed. Imagine the rejection of the KING OF kings by a mere king Herod.
Jesus was born in a manger, the very place where animals lived and pooped. Visualize the rejection the Creator of this universe faced with no palace of His own.
Judas betrayed Jesus for mere 30 silver coins. Envision the rejection Jesus felt by His own disciple whom He carefully chose to walk and dine with.
The creation chanted “Crucify Him”. Peter who was willing to die now suddenly denies Jesus thrice.
Many followed Jesus for their own needs to be fulfilled. We see that everyone left Jesus at the foot of the Cross.
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. John 1:11
At Gethsemane, Jesus groaned and knew the Father would turn His face away from His son.
Dear friend, were you abandoned by your biological dad?
“Crucified, laid behind the stone
He lived to died, rejected and alone
Like a rose, trampled on the ground.
You took the fall and thought of me. Above all “-Michael W. Smith
So, here are 5 steps to take to overcome fear of rejection from your lives
1.Rejection is just part of your story. It is NOT YOUR FULL STORY
Rejection can and will happen to everyone at some point in life. But it is not the end of our life. Let it not embitter you. Do not take it all personally and dwell on it for a long time.
Why? It is not your full life story. Hurt people do end up rejecting others. Reach out to a trusted confidante and don’t be afraid to seek for help.
2.Realize your worth and acceptance in Christ.
Jesus Christ is in the redeeming business of taking the rejected us and transforming them to be accepted beloved ones.
Neither fear nor rejection comes from the Lord. Fear brings torment and the Devil wants to make feel that you are rejected by Christ as well. The Yoke of rejection can only be broken by the chain breaker. His name is J E S U S.
Shift your fear of rejection towards what is lovely and pure. See yourself as your Maker sees you.
L O V E D , A C C E P T E D, V A L U E D, C H O S E N -Ephesians 1:3-6
Luke 4:18, 19 The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free
3.Release the person or the circumstances where you felt rejected into the nail pierced hand of our Jesus
We tend to become prisoners of our rejections when we fail to release them to the once rejected Savior. Let go and let GOD is one of my most favorite quote. Let go of the clutter that has stifled your mind and forgive those who rejected you.
Dear friend, if we hadn’t known the pain of rejection from man, we wouldn’t have known the greater joy of being accepted by the Son of Man- Lord Jesus
May I remind you if the root of your fear is rejection, then the remedy can be found at the foot of the Cross. There you will find acceptance, healing, blessing, love, and forgiveness.
4.Reassure your soul by speaking life
Life and death are in the power of our tongue. Speak life to the darkest painful periods of your life when you felt rejected. Fill yourself with the abundance of God’s promises towards those who are His children. This spirit of rejection can be overcome through the spirit of adoption we have in Jesus Christ. Romans 8:15
Speak life to your impossible by trusting in an ALL POSSIBLE Christ.
Related Post – How to speak life to your “I cannot’s”
For the LORD has called you back, like a wife deserted and wounded in spirit, the wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,” says your God. Isaiah 54:6
5.Reinstate your experiences to be a stepping stone to thrive in Christ and loving others.
Do not let rejection be a tripping stone but one that steps you up to comfort others.
I have wondered why I underwent so many traumatic abuses and rejection in my childhood that once terribly wounded me to a point of no return. But we have a Savior who sympathizes with us.
For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15 , AMP
Instead of stepping on someone else, let us step up to use it as a platform to create a healthy environment.
Although you have been forsaken and hated, I will make you an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations Isaiah 60:15, KJV
~ How did this post encourage you today? Did rejection shape you to be bitter or better?
Dear friend if you were ever-
rejected by your parents;
neglected by your husband;
forsaken by your in-laws;
Betrayed by a friend ;
abandoned by your community because of your faith;
and unaccepted by this world-
Come to the Once Rejected Christ, He will carry you on His shoulder and restore all that which the locust ate.
He delights in you. Jesus calls you by your name.
You will be a joy of many generations.
The Lord’s wife. A woman not forsaken. Isaiah 62:4
This post is a part of the 30 day journey to overcoming fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety. It is also the result of a prayerful vision of my friend Alisa from Flourishing Today.
We have compiled these posts and resources as a bundle as a free gift. Do sign up and it will be available in my library for download.
You can also find the rest of the series : Fear to freedom Tour
April 5, 2019 at 7:59 amBeautiful post, Diana. I can relate to much of this. Rejection is a soul-piercing kind of wound. It cuts deep, and is difficult to heal.
I appreciate your covering some of the roots of rejection. It’s not always recognized that rejection can stem all the way back to the womb!
#3 and #4 are so powerful! Giving our offender over to our Jesus, and speaking LIFE over ourselves are two very powerful ways to overcome rejection.
Thank you for sharing.
April 6, 2019 at 11:32 pmI am so grateful for God’s love and acceptance. As a people pleaser, knowing that God Loved me no matter what is so reassuring.
Mary joy
September 9, 2019 at 11:23 pmA great post and truly liberating from slavery of rejection.God bless and thank you for being an intrument for serving God’s purpose-to set the captives free through your article
April 7, 2019 at 2:16 amSuch an reassuring post… True… I’m of His, who created me… Loved me with everlasting love.. He will never ever reject me…LORD Jesus today I come to the foot of your cross with my fears of rejection… Embrace me Lord.. Hold me lest I fall… AMEN
Michele Morin
April 8, 2019 at 7:05 amSometimes recognizing an area of need is the hardest step of all. Thanks for steps that lead toward truth and wholeness.
April 8, 2019 at 3:31 pmBeautiful post…….many people struggle with rejection and they end up depress. I believe this article is a blessing and will be to many.
April 9, 2019 at 12:52 pmIt’s always a good thing to know that even if everyone rejects you, God never can. Fighting the pain of rejection can really be heartbreaking, but thank God for His words
Karen Friday
April 10, 2019 at 12:10 pmBeautiful post on rejection and acceptance, Dianna. I never thought about all the rejection Jesus must have endured, besides from His own disciples and when nailed to the cross. And love all your points on overcoming being rejected, especially, “Release the person or the circumstances where you felt rejected into the nail pierced hand of our Jesus.” Amen!