How Discovering Whose You Are Changes Everything
Today is a guest post by the lovely Shannon who is my blogger friend. What drew my attention is her transparency about her past life. I pray that when you read this post, it will speak clearly about whose you are. “Discovering whose you are “will help you take the 6 day challenge Shannon mentions below.
There was a time in my life when I couldn’t even crawl out of bed. The tear-stained sheets became my comfort, my security. I wallowed in my guilt and misery thinking it’s what I deserved. I felt my mistake was just too big.
Too big for grace. Too big for forgiveness. Too big for anything.
My identity as a woman was completely stripped away and I had no idea who I was. The momma that kissed my girls’ boo-boos and wiped away their warm salty tears had fallen so hard that nothing could heal. The wife that vowed to be faithful to her husband forever was now marked with a scarlet stain.
At the time I felt dirty, unclean, and unwanted. Even after I repented of my sins and asked for forgiveness, I felt so low and ashamed. Even though God apparently had forgiven me, I felt I needed to earn back his love. I desperately tried to work my way to Grace.
But that just isn’t the way Grace works. It’s a gift. One that’s been sacrificially and freely given. Grace is a perfectly wrapped package waiting to be opened.
It wasn’t until several years later that I realized something about myself. After digging into the word and really leaning in to what God had to say, I realized that I was loved, chosen, treasured and redeemed. It’s something that I’d heard most of my life, yet I finally started believing it.
Maybe you’re going through something hard right now.
Maybe you’re a wife who’s made mistakes.
Maybe you’re a mom who feels you can’t quite measure up to the seemingly perfect mom next door.
Maybe you’re an empty nester who feels devalued and unimportant.
Or maybe you’re just a woman who feels lost and alone. You grapple with your identity.
I have good news for you, friend.
You’re His.
When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (daughters). And because you are sons (daughters), God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son (daughter), and if a son (daughter), then an heir through God. Galatians 4:4-7 (ESV)
There is so much hope in these verses, 4 to be exact.
1. God redeemed us and secured you forever with the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. You can have intimacy with the Father.
3. You are and heir of Jesus Christ.
You’re chosen, cherished and loved beyond words.
When you discover and believe in whose you are, it changes everything. It changes the way you mother, the way you wife, and the way you do everything.
It’s one thing to know you’re His, but it’s another thing to live out whose you are. When we really live out whose we are, our lives are transformed. And this is where the Fiercely His Challenge comes in.
The Fiercely His Challenge will help you:
* Discover that it’s not really about who you are, but WHOSE you are.
* Stop believing what the enemy says about you, and start believing the truth about God’s word
* Gain a new perspective on navigating being a mom, wife, and woman.
* Learn how being real with God breeds healing, growth, and connection
* Recognize the enemy’s schemes before he pounces and learn to fight back with truth.
* Get rid of what is holding you back and start living with the fullness of life that Christ offers.
Here are 5 quick facts about the Fiercely His Challenge:
* It’s a FREE 6 day email challenge
* You’ll receive a free copy of our companion Fiercely His Fighter Journal.
* You’ll have the option to join a community of women who will be taking the challenge with you.
* It comes complete with 6 truths and 6 action steps
* Join the challenge at https://shannongeurin.com/fiercely-his-challenge/
About Shannon :
Shannon is fun-loving and authentic. She loves big and fierce, and at the top of that love list is Jesus, her husband John and her two daughters, Alex and Averee. She’s a woman who has been rescued and restored and knows how to fight for her marriage and family. Shannon empowers women to rise up through their circumstances in order to their God-given calling. When she’s not writing, you can typically find her watching movie trailers, reading the latest mystery/drama bestseller, or simply sipping on coffee from a chipped mug.
Although a book is in her future, you can currently read her blog and her story at https://shannongeurin.com/ & Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Are you ready to take the 6 day challenge?
Won’t you invite your friends and family to join this challenge that will transform how you see yourself?
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July 16, 2018 at 5:34 pmShannon and I appreciate that , Mandy! Blessings
July 16, 2018 at 11:49 pmAwesome challenge girl! Was a great read!
Andrew Restrepo @ TheRoadToEmmaus.ca
July 18, 2018 at 9:07 amWhat a wonderful truth! Jesus’ word over our emotions. God’s truth over Satan’s lies. Thanks for writing/posting this!
July 18, 2018 at 1:26 pmSuch an amazing post! I have to remind myself of this everyday..it is not who I am but WHOSE I am! He is bigger than all my mistakes and failures!!
Christine Wood
July 20, 2018 at 6:11 pm‘Stop believing what the enemy says about you, and start believing the truth of God’s word.’ Yes! We can be tricked by the lies when we are not on our guard. Thanks for sharing your story and your wisdom.
July 24, 2018 at 6:56 pmGod redeems anything we will allow Him to. Yes and amen to rising up!