5 Assuring Verses to Memorize when filled with Negative Thoughts
Studying verses on Negative Thoughts have always helped me lift my spirits up.
I can share my thoughts to another person, but it has never fully allowed me to release my negative thoughts.
An incident which occurred a while ago has left me on a sad note. It has been many weeks since the incident, but those negative thoughts have not left my mind.
I wish I could turn back on time and plan that day differently. I wonder if I should have restrained my thoughts. Should I have not stood up for my loved one? Should I still be feeling so low? Maybe now everyone dislikes me and is gossiping behind my back.
Then, this morning those negative thoughts flooded back again. I grabbed the Word of God -the black leather Book filled with encouraging words written personally for you and I in our lowest state.
Isn’t it amazing how God speaks to us right when we are willing to listen to HIM speak to us? Until we don’t stop thinking and start reading the Word, negativity can entrap our minds. It can consume us and ruin our fellowship with God and man.
Negative thoughts can drag us into this wallowing pit of anguish and worthlessness. Only Christ can bring us back on the top of a joyful mountain.
As I was meditating on the Word of God, the Spirit of the Lord led me to this particular verse that I am so familiar with yet forgot to ponder upon these days.
Let us look at Philippians 4:8 (AMP)- Today verse on Negative thoughts
Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect,
whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace,
whatever is admirable and of good repute;
if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,
think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
This is what the first part of the verse said:
Whatever is Honorable- that which deserves respect,
Whatever is Right -in words and dealings,
Whatsoever is Lovely- that which deserves love,
Whatever is pure in relation with others,
Whatsoever is True- nothing but the truth,
Whatever is admirable or of good report or commendable.
Now we are going to look at the different version of the Bible translation of the second part :
Think about these things (KJV)
Dwell on these things (New American Standard Bible)
Let your mind think of these things (New American standard 1977)
Meditate on these things (Aramaic Bible)
Exercise your thoughts on these things (Jubilee bible 2000)
Think of these things continually (AMP)
Dear friend, has your mind dwelled on your past for too long?
Is it filled with negative thoughts about yourself and others lately?
Do you feel like hurting yourself or others?
Have you been dragging your mind to focus on the bad of every situation rather than focusing on the Goodness of God and His power to rescue us?
Then, let us fill our mind with whatever is true, lovely, honest, praiseworthy and honor instead of hatred, jealousy, scorn, impurity, sadness, and dishonesty.
Don’t merely think about them, but focus and dwell on them today.
Truth is real and Jesus is the truth.
We may not be able to change our past incidents but we can meditate on the ONLY ONE who is true, honest, admirable, and lovely in our life today and that is our Christ Jesus Himself.
The next time negativity fills your mind, cancel them out with the very loving words of our Lord God.
Let us in fact memorize them and seal them in our hearts so that the next time negative thoughts pop up we are prepared mentally.
5 assuring verses on negative thoughts to memorize and declare in our lives.
–How did this post encourage you? Do you pray on any other verses on negative thoughts?
–Is there something you are dealing with lately that I could pray for right now?
Fixing my thoughts
Until we meet again next time
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August 3, 2017 at 3:34 amAmazing verses which really comforts every single thoughts of ours…purely healing type…May God bless you and use you in the coming days for His glory and honour..n help you through His word to remove all your negative thoughts.
Patricia Krank
August 3, 2017 at 8:57 amThis is a good reminder to turn to the Word when we face challenges. The verses you chose are great!
August 3, 2017 at 11:35 amThank you Patricia for stopping by here today. I am so glad you were blessed by these verses from the Lord
August 3, 2017 at 10:23 amPerfect timing, Diana! I seem to be hard-wired to see the downside in just about every circumstance. Sometimes it is much easier for me to see the bad/worst in people than the good. Memorizing these verses and fixing my mind on them will be an act of faith, and in the process I believe the Holy Spirit will fill me with God’s love and change my character. I don’t know what happened in the incident you alluded to at the beginning of the blog, but it is in God’s hands now. He can work wonders with all kinds of materials — flesh, dirt and even worse.
August 3, 2017 at 11:34 amGod can always speak through our emotions and never leaves us stranded. I love this line you wrote “He can work wonders with all kinds of materials — flesh, dirt and even worse. ”
Blessings my friend!
August 3, 2017 at 10:46 amWonderful post! Great verses! Praising God with you for His Word! I have found comfort in all of the verses you shared so many times!
August 3, 2017 at 11:30 amEsther Hosea, I am so glad that you visited me here today and that this post has comforted you.
I have been praying for you and that you will be comforted ever by HIS word and presence
August 3, 2017 at 11:31 amRobin, being too sensitive is what I struggle as well . God’s Word especially from Philippians 4:8 gives us such practical wisdom on what to fill our thoughts with.
August 3, 2017 at 1:57 pmSatan likes to attack with that negative thinking, doesn’t he? Great list, Diana. Thanks for sharing. ((hug))
August 3, 2017 at 8:39 pmBrenda, so glad you visited me
Oh, yes Satan loves to attack us with negative thoughts, and God wants us to wraps His words around our mind
Lisa notes
August 3, 2017 at 4:20 pmThese verses play an important part in my life, too. I often wake up in the middle of the night and can start worrying, but I try to recite my memory chapters instead. Our souls are often soothed with the words of God. Thanks for sharing these, Diana.
August 3, 2017 at 8:42 pmLisa, I love what you said “our souls are soothed with the Word of God, and that is exactly what the Lord did to me as well. He soothed me.
God bless you and your family
August 3, 2017 at 6:40 pmMy son and I were just talking about this today on our walk. He was complaining about how hot it was (he’s 10) and I was quoting him these verses about what to think about instead.
August 3, 2017 at 8:41 pmBrenda, what a godly mama you are indeed. Making every opportunity a teachable moment with your son.
Thank you so much for visiting me here today.
Blessings to your family
August 3, 2017 at 8:01 pmHi, Diana! Visiting from Suzanne’s blog.
A long time ago I heard someone say, “You have to think about what you think about.” Your post today reminded me of that. Negativity is my default mode, but I don’t have to stay there. I can choose what I think about and turn my mind toward Christ. Thanks for sharing this!
August 3, 2017 at 8:40 pmMarie, thank you so much for that quote you shared. I will be keeping that in mind from now on. I am so glad you visited me today from Suzanne’s blog . Your comments have encouraged me as well
Connie from Master's Hand Collection
August 4, 2017 at 1:57 pmHi Diana, There’s so much truth in your post! When bad things happen I tend to focus too much on them and become overwhelmed and dragged down by negativity. These words from Philippians are practical advice on how we as Christians should handle our thoughts. When we turn our focus to the Lord and learn to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) then the peace of Christ will fill our hearts. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us today.
Stopping by from Faith Filled Fridays.
Dani | Free Indeed
August 7, 2017 at 7:40 pmCan’t say amen enough to this post! Our thoughts are so key, for from the heart flows our very life. We have to use Scripture like Jesus did to ward off the enemy’s attacks. Thank you for pointing us back to Philippians 4:8!
August 8, 2017 at 12:18 pmYou are so right,Dani! Scriptures can be used to ‘ward off’ any attacks from the enemy especially the negative thoughts. Philippians 4:8 is such a practical and powerful reminder during hard times
Marva | SunSparkleShine
August 7, 2017 at 10:46 pmDiana, I love the encouragement that you share here. Just this past week I shared the scripture with a friend who was going through a difficult time and couldn’t see God’s goodness in that moment. There’s something powerful about God’s word that can turn our hearts to Him so that even when the situation doesn’t change our minds are renewed and strengthened. It’s as if we gain new eyes. Isn’t that amazing?
August 8, 2017 at 12:15 pmMarva, my friend, I am always encouraged by your comments:) There is so much power in God’s Word and promises even when the situation doesn’t change a bit. I believe there is peace and healing in the eye of our storms
Always blessed to have you visit me
Mae Joynes
August 8, 2017 at 11:56 amThank you for sharing this encouraging blog post. I have this idea to take messages like this and read them and put them with peaceful instrumental music on videos to share with others on YouTube. Would I have your permission to read your material. The glory and work would go all to God and to the Kingdom! I definitely would credit you as the author.
August 8, 2017 at 12:11 pmMae, thank you so much for visiting me here today. Please do share this Word from God on YouTube, let negativity be placed by these assuring verses.
I would love to check out your video , so do comment here when you have it posted on YouTube, so I can share it with others as well
All glory to God!
Stacey Thureen
August 9, 2017 at 2:24 pmDiana, these are great verses! Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you!
Christy Mobley
August 9, 2017 at 7:16 pmDiana, Philippians 4:8 is my favorite verse. I do a whole talk around it. Thank you for sharing today. Coming to you from Re-Charge Wednesday.
Neca | The GreatBIGLife
August 9, 2017 at 7:27 pmThis is so good Diana! The word that resonated with me was “dwell”…especially when you said “Don’t merely think about them, but focus and dwell on them today.” Learning to dwell on the things and thoughts of God takes practice since it’s so easy to focus on the negative (which takes no practice at all!). Thank you for sharing and I will be pinning and sharing your post! Be Well!
Bev @ Walking Well With God
August 10, 2017 at 7:05 amDiana,
If it’s okay I’m going to copy your graphic….great verses to meditate on when the negative thoughts creep in. So true that we need to replace the negative thoughts (lies) with God’s Truth and meditate on them. All great reminders here today…thank you!
Bev xx
Michele Morin
August 10, 2017 at 7:15 amThis is the second time in under 12 hours that God has flashed Philippians 4:8 across my eyes and my heart. I’m sure He has a reason, and I’m thankful for the lesson of it.
August 10, 2017 at 8:44 amThanks for sharing this encouragement. I needed to be reminded today of the choice we have to fill our minds with the positive things. Glad to be your neighbour today at #HeartEncouragementThursday.
Sarah Geringer
August 10, 2017 at 9:38 amBeautiful post and graphics, Diana! I tweeted your quote.
Crystal Storms
August 10, 2017 at 11:08 am“God speaks to us right when we are willing to listen to HIM” Such a powerful truth, Diana. Thank you for the encouragement to listen to God and dwell on truth. Sweet blessings!
Naomi Fata
August 10, 2017 at 9:04 pmVisiting you from Chasing Community. Yes, negative thinking is definitely something I struggle with and write about frequently! I love your encouragement to replace those negative thoughts with God’s truth! God Bless
August 12, 2017 at 11:15 pmThank you so much for linking up with the #glimpses community this week. I really appreciated this post.
August 14, 2017 at 8:01 pmLove this! Thankyou. *hug*
September 6, 2017 at 4:54 pmI finally got to catch up on your posts Diana! This one is especially timely for me. Recently I have been struggling with untrue and hurtful words toxic individuals I have cut out of my life. Though I forgive them, certain triggers come up like weeds from time to time. I recently did a study on forgiveness and learned how not to bring up the old matters to the offenders, others, and even myself. Over time, I have stopped bringing up the matter to the offenders and to others, but it is so hard for me not to bring the matter to myself (i.e. replay the matter in my mind). A few days ago I started memorizing verses again, and Philippians 4:6-7 was one of them. I am so glad you help me put these verses into deeper context by explaining verse 8 in your post. It is truly what I need to overcome my struggle. As always, thanks for writing! Xoxo
December 9, 2017 at 1:01 pmPhilippians 4:7 is a true comfort to me in times of duress. It’s great to have it brought to another level here in your blog. Keep up the great work and God Bless.
December 9, 2017 at 2:06 pmThank you Lily for your wonderful insight
May the Lord continue to comfort you in your times of duress with His word
December 9, 2017 at 6:09 pmThank you so much for sharing this! I am saving this. I struggle with negative thoughts quite frequently. But I am working on getting better – and it’s better than it use to be.
December 9, 2017 at 6:11 pmPraying for you Heidi! Fill your thoughts with everything that is true and you will see these negative thoughts will flee.
April 30, 2018 at 7:41 pmHi Diana, I just googled to find Bible verses about replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Your site was the first and only I clicked on. Thank you for this, just what I needed and by the comments, I’m not the only one. I am reaching out for prayer. Due to new guidelines and insurance not willing to pay, a very strong and expensive pain medication I have been taking for over 12 years is being denied. There is no fighting it we’ve tried. So, I must be taken off and the insurance is only allowing 60 days to do it. I was born with a spinal disease that caused my spine to displace and after several surgeries they have been able to keep me out of a wheelchair, thank God, but physical, mental and emotional pain remain due to nerve damage, arthritis, bone deterioration and new disc hernia Timon due to the pressure placed on the healthier parts of my spine to make up for the damaged parts. At first I was so angry but then I thought maybe this is Gods hand in this, not wanting me to be on this medication anymore and finding alternative ways of fighting the pain. When this first started I just wanted the pain gone and all these issues of overdose and misuse where not talked about. Neither, was the side effects like addiction to this medication made aware to me, or at least the seriousness of it. Each day, since this decrease has begun I wake and thank God for the new day and all He has blessed me with, I have an incredible loving family and I’m going to be a grandmom for the first time in October, so I am truly blessed. Immediately though all these negative thoughts seem to take over and I’m so filled with anxiety that I am not going to be able to do this. How will I stand the pain, physical and emotional? Normal everyday activities, cooking dinner, making phone calls, scheduling doctor appointments all become totally overwhelming for me. It seems so silly for me to even write this. One minute I am thinking God’s got me, He is in control and I give it all to Him. Next, I’m taking it right back by thinking all of these negative thoughts and not totally trusting that God will see me through and never for a second leave me with all of this. I am scared! And I know the spirit of fear is not from God! I have wanted to ask for prayer from the groups I belong to, but could never write out the words. I’m not embarrassed by what is happening to me or the fact that my body has become addicted to this medication it’s obviously a wide spread problem with patients just wanting relief and doctors not explaining the downside of long term treatment of this medicine. I haven’t been able, until now, to get the words out right to ask for prayer. God’s timing is perfect right? So this must be the right time! Please pray for me and all those like me who are in the same position. Please pray that I can do this and that I put all of my faith and trust in the Lord for His grace, grace for one day at a time! Thank you for listening! I’m sorry it was so long, but the words just kept coming.

April 30, 2018 at 9:49 pmHey Judy, thank you so much for visiting my site. The post I wrote about replacing negative thoughts came from a personal experience and I knew it would help someone who greatly needed it . I am so glad it was for you today ! I wish I had some magic wand to take away all your pain away, and that insurance wouldn’t have prevented you to getting that medication. It is only natural that these negative thoughts try to creep in and take away our peace . I pray in the mighty name of our Jesus Christ whose speaks healing that you will be able to manage to do the daily chores even making phone calls and cooking dinner and playing with your grandchild to be ! You asked for prayer and Judy I will be keeping you in my prayers . May everything true , lovely , and peace fill your body mind and spirit tonight and every single day in the future . I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians . Much prayer Diana
May 1, 2018 at 7:43 amThank you so much for getting back to me and for your prayers! I hope all is well with you! God bless! And, thank you, again! Judy
May 1, 2018 at 8:05 amYes things are okay with me apart from cervical spondylitis and lumbar back pain
it is part of motherhood and aging . But nothing should stop us from praising God .Blessings
May 1, 2018 at 11:02 amI will keep you in prayer also! I love the motherhood part, not crazy about the aging part! Lol, but you are right, nothing should stop us from thanking and praising the Lord!

Lisa Bygrave
July 27, 2018 at 4:50 amThank you for this straight forward information.
I ask God to continue to guide you in your blogging so you can touch more lives.
August 7, 2018 at 9:01 amThank you Lisa ! I am encouraged by your words of encouragement! May the Lord continue to bless you
3 C's to win against the battle of the mind - Diana's Diaries
September 15, 2019 at 5:50 pm[…] Here is one of my most read post on how to apply Philippians 4 :8 when faced with NEGATIVE THOUGHTS […]