The Writer’s Testimony

So glad you stopped by right now. I am just a simple girl who has faced the deepest valleys, and delayed blessings in life.

I am a wife, mama to my triplets, and someone who overcame her fears by calling upon the very mighty name of Jesus Christ.


I have experienced every form of abuse in my childhood which I carried around as a nagging baggage into my adulthood.


The nightmares were severe for almost 15 years. I was afraid of everything especially driving, getting pregnant, forming friendships.


Have I questioned about the presence and power of God when I was wounded by the ones I trusted the most?  Absolutely!

Have I wondered if God ever cared for me or abandoned me ? OH YES!


But did God ever leave me? No ever.



Spiritual Encounter

For almost 15 years I was living with pain in my heart. I have had trouble sleeping at night for many years. In the year 2008, one October night, I asked the Lord to take away my nightmares, flashbacks, rage, and unbearable sadness within the chambers of my heart. I could not carry them any longer, for it made me feel like a victim, and broken.


That night I experienced a gentle hand touch my face, and a loud whisper “I am the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I am your God too. Just like I did not abandon Daniel’s friends in the fire, I never ever abandoned you, Diana even when you had a painful childhood. I LOVE YOU, Diana “


I remember waking up shaking, thinking a robber was in my bedroom as I was alone in the house. I had never ever heard those magical words ” I LOVE YOU” growing up.



“Jesus loves me ” that truth changed me.  I do not have to live in the shame and pain anymore .I noticed a dramatic difference ever since that day.


I do still remember all my past brokenness, but they do not hurt badly nor define me.  I had experienced these nightmares and anxieties since childhood.

The nightmares have disappeared but I am still a work -in- progress. I hold on the Hand of God tightly lest the devil sets more traps.




I do not know what your story is ,but if you have experienced heartaches then “EL-Roi -God who sees” has seen your tears. Call upon the Lord, and He will truly answer you in your darkest valleys, my Friend.

Jesus Christ is not a mystical creature or a random fictional story. He is real, and a living God. No other gods gave their life for humankind.

See, our fellow mankind will always fail and wound us. For they are all born in sin.

But the Lord Jesus Christ chose to take the form of man(sinless), and carried not only our sins but our SORROWS.

He carried all your griefs, and brokenness. Therefore, I call HIM “MY GOD” , not my father’s God ,or someone else’s Savior. Jesus is My Savior.



“The battle belongs to the Lord” from 2 Chronicles 20:15 reminds us that all of our life battles belongs to the Lord. Jesus has won victory over each and every one of them.


As the Lord leads, I will be focusing on different posts connected to the key phrase “the battles we face


Songs have comforted me all my life. I dedicate this particular song by W.B. Stevens “Farther Along” to you.

One day in Heaven as we sit by Jesus’ side, we shall know the “whys” of the battles we faced.


Farther Along by W.B.Stevens



Thank you for taking your time to read my testimony. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to abide in you, and calm your fears and assure you of His presence.

You are worth more than the fowls of the air, my friend .




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