16 Best tips to study Bible for overwhelmed Moms
Hello there, the summer heat is almost 102 degrees over where I live. Exhaustion from running after toddlers while doing the chores is getting overwhelming. Today’s post is a perfect encouragement filled with tips for overwhelmed moms over the world.
Let me introduce you to Ruthie Gray from RuthieGray.Mom for week 5 of the Summer Sizzle Series. Her calling is to mentor fellow moms with humor, and practical application of God’s Word.
Week 1 : How to pray when you cannot find the right words
Week 2 : How to trust in God’s abounding grace in the deepest hurts
Week 3 : The importance of teaching our children about spiritual warfare
Week 4 : 5 steps to becoming a confident Christian Women
As a young mama, I struggled to find time in the Word. I fretted over personal devotions, family devotions, and even my husband’s devotions. How guilty I felt falling into bed at night, realizing I hadn’t even cracked my Bible once that day!
You may struggle too. Finding time is tough between midnight feedings and 5:00 AM bright-eyed, bushy-tailed toddlers. From running the evening game circuit to fighting the bedtime ritual.
But what if you could simplify the process? What if it didn’t have to be as hard as it seems in your head? I’ve learned a few tricks during my nearly 30 years of child-rearing on how to find time for devotions.
Here are 16 of the best tips finding time to study Bible for overwhelmed moms:
1.) Keep it simple
It doesn’t have to be a production. It helps to be consistent but lower your standards for this stage of life! Your devotions aren’t going to look like they once did BK. (Before Kids.) In fact, never again will they look like that stage because back then, you were only responsible for YOU.
2.) Write out Scripture and post around your home
Use post-it notes, 3×5 cards, or plain old paper and tape. Post in places you frequent aka the refrigerator (where the kids often hang out unnecessarily), your kitchen window, or your bathroom mirror. Then read it several times a day as you pass through!
3.) Target 15 minutes (but settle for 5)
Try to get a few minutes to read the Word and pray. Target 15 minutes if that seems do-able, but if you don’t make it the whole time, give yourself grace – something is better than nothing! God knows your heart and your desire to meet with Him!
4.) Install a Bible app on your phone
You Version, Bible Gateway, or First-5 are all favorite go-tos for the busy young mama (or the older mama such as myself)! They all have easy-to-follow reading plans.
5.) Occupy the kids
Use the iPad, movies, outdoors – take advantage of these lull moments to read the Word on your phone (instead of surfing the web).
6.) Break up the time throughout the day
Snatch 5 minutes in the Word here and 5 on your knees there. And we’re supposed to be praying without ceasing anyway, right? Why not make a day of it!
7.) Listen to the Word
The Bible Gateway app features an audio option! Listen while washing dishes, folding laundry, or getting ready for the day.
8.) Pray the Word
Pray the Scriptures you have posted. Pray memorized Scripture. You can even write out Scripture prayers!
9.) Memorize the Word
Those Scriptures you posted? Memorize them for when formal devotions don’t happen. You can always review Scripture in your mind, whether your taxiing children, sautéing chicken, or scrubbing floors!
10.) Keep your Bible open on the counter
Keep your place marked and ready to resume. When you walk by, the open Bible will be waiting, reminding, and inviting you to snatch a few minutes of rejuvenation.
11.) Ask hubby/friend/grandma to watch kids once per week
If you’re struggling because time in the Word is usual piecemeal, ask your husband to watch the kids for 30 minutes one night a week while you dig into the Word and pray.
12.) Use a combination of these ideas and make a schedule to do one of them each day
Monday – Scripture cards; Tuesday – during I-pad time; Wednesday – while the kids are at co-op; Thursday – listen while doing dishes; Friday – Bible on the counter, and so on!
13.) Share your plan with the family
The best thing you can do to find time with God is to share your plan with your people. Tell your hubby, and if the kids are old enough to understand, explain what you’re doing. This causes accountability for you, and responsibility for them to respect and learn from your faithfulness.
14.) Meditate on the Word;
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8
Joshua, accepting the torch from Moses, had a huge job ahead of Him. God expected him to get busy kicking out the Canaanites and leading the Israelites into the promised land. But God told Joshua something else equally important – He told Him to meditate on the law, day and night.
Which means we moms can also meditate on Scripture while we go about our never-ending duties.
So what does meditating on God’s Word look like for a busy mom? Here are 10 ideas, using one passage of Scripture!
15.) No social media until after devotions
This is a biggie. I find time in the Word in the morning, and unless there’s a blogging emergency, there’s no social media or email until after devotions. Limit internet time until you’ve spent time with God.
We get sucked in so fast and before we know it – 20 minutes flit by while we watch cat videos and share cute pictures of our kids spreading peanut butter on the walls. Learn to deny your inner social media freak.
16.) Get a set of ear plugs
Seriously – this works. I keep several pair handy. If the kids are safely occupied and you really want to concentrate, use ear plugs. Found at any local Walmart in the pharmacy section. You’re welcome.
Remember mom, devotions are doable. Your time in the Scriptures doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Devotions don’t have to be in the morning, in the quiet, or on a schedule. Time in the Word doesn’t have to be long, or at the same time every day.
If you’re waiting for the perfect season in life, it’ll never come. Just like they say about waiting until you can afford kids – it’ll never happen.
The important thing to remember is that God wants a relationship with you now. So, break that devotional mental mold and get to spending time with Him – make it work!
God’s Word lights our paths for decision-making, step-by-step. But we must read it to receive that light.
–What are some of your favorite ways to work in devotions? I’d love to know!
–How did these 16 tips to study Bible encourage you?
About Ruthie :
Ruthie Gray is a wife, Gigi, and mom of four (who lived to tell about it). Ruthie’s passion is mentoring moms to capture joy with humor, advice, and practical application of Scripture at Ruthie Gray.Mom. Ruthie is a contributor of the free mom devotional app, TruthBytes, and the author of Count to Nine; 9 Liberating Steps for Mom Frustration and Anger. Click to download her Wife and Mommy Survival Kit here.
Connect with Ruthie on: Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook
If this post encouraged you , please do share so that others may be enriched as well. Thank you!
July 4, 2018 at 11:23 amGreat suggestions and reminders! Thanks
July 4, 2018 at 12:35 pmThank you Susan ! Much blessings
Laura @ Relationship Helpers
July 4, 2018 at 11:26 amThese are great tips! Thanks for sharing. I know I need to heed “keep it simple!”
July 4, 2018 at 12:34 pmYes “Keeping it simple “ during hectic seasons is such a great tip. Thank you Laura for your visit today
Lara d’Entremont
July 4, 2018 at 11:45 amHelpful tips! It’s so important to remember that our Bible study time will be different in various seasons, such as when we have young children. We need to be willing to adjust and give ourselves grace. Thanks for the post!
July 4, 2018 at 12:34 pmThank you for stopping by with your graceful words . Much blessing s
Kelly Leake
July 4, 2018 at 11:56 amThese are super ideas. Thanks for the reminder to make Bible study happen even if you you’re responsible for lots of littles. So important!
July 4, 2018 at 12:33 pmBible study doesn’t have to be stressful and that is exactly what Ruthie is sharing with her best tips
Marva | SunSparkleShine
July 4, 2018 at 12:22 pmWhen I say that I sit at Ruthie’s feet, I’m not joking. I really appreciate soaking up her pearls of parenting wisdom and this one is no exception.
Thank you, Ruthie! Thank you, Diana! Love you both. <3
July 4, 2018 at 12:33 pmLol! You had me giggling at your first line
Ruthie sure does share pearls of parenting wisdom . Love you back my friend
Donna Miller
July 4, 2018 at 12:53 pmLove this Diana! Thank you for sharing it with us! Bible Study doesn’t have to add stress to our already stretched thin days. I love the idea of leaving our Bibles open on the counter where it invites us to ‘resume’ … love that!
July 4, 2018 at 12:54 pmYes , we shouldn’t be seeing Bible study as a task but a Heavenly interaction with our Savior . I love to leave my Bible on my counter
July 4, 2018 at 1:55 pmLove this! Yes, as a mom, I feel overwhelmed often! Sharing this!
July 4, 2018 at 2:23 pmThank you Julie ! I pray it encourages many
Michele Morin
July 5, 2018 at 7:35 amWow, 102 degrees! I’ll stop complaining about our 89!
And thank you for factoring the overwhelm into your thoughts on Bible study. Summer has its own unique brand, I think!
Joanne Viola
July 5, 2018 at 9:17 amVery good suggestions. May we realize we can vary our routine from day to day as well. Flexibility is the key when raising little ones. May you be blessed with a cooler break in the weather!
Andriana Robinson
July 5, 2018 at 9:48 amSuch great wisdom! I am 9 months pregnant with my first. He’s not even here yet and already I am finding it challenging to muster up energy, focus and time. I love the target 15 minutes but settle for five suggestion. Removes the power of shame and honors the time you were able to invest. (:
Leslie Newman
July 5, 2018 at 1:11 pmDiana, loved these suggestions! Thank you for sharing. I’m sharing this post. I’m not a Mom of young kids anymore, but these tips resonate at any age! Blessings to you!
July 5, 2018 at 6:43 pmGreat suggestions. I know some Mom’s often get their bible time in the bathroom
I find keeping things simple is the way to get it in 
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Stephanie Malcolm
July 11, 2018 at 7:52 amThis is exactly what I needed today. I am sharing this on my facebook blog page for my Faith and Encouragement Wednesday. Many of my readers are mamas and wives going through a tired stage in their lives.
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