When you are carrying a broken heart
I remember observing an older woman who had a hunch on her back when I was a teenager. One day I befriended her and asked her how she got this hunch. She replied how she was forced to do labor-intensive jobs by carrying huge sacks of wheat on her back ever since she was a child. This woman was carrying a broken heart.
She used to get tortured in unimaginable ways when she didn’t finish her work or bring home enough money. She never learned to walk straight after being so used to carrying such weight. Her broken heart and the plights of many women I have met remain etched to my soul.
Carrying a broken heart
This post is for all the daughters, wives, and moms who have been silently carrying a broken heart. The experience of a broken heart from childhood, in their teens, or as an adult which they have never shared.
-Have you been carrying the weight of silently enduring the assaults from your significant other?
-Did your experience pain, traumas, and violence in your childhood?
-Has the unbearable fact that you were sexually abused by your family and/or church member writhing inside you?
-Are you lost in the maze of these abuses and unable to find someone to confide?
-Are you mourning for the loss you experienced due to abortion, miscarriage, and death of your relationship?
Widow of Nain :
My heart weeps for each one of you today. But there is hope and healing in the Lord and today’s word is just for you and me.
Luke 7:12 , AMP : Now as He approached the city gate, a dead man was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her [in the funeral procession].
Here is a woman who lost her husband ,and is now carrying her dead son in the town where Jesus was standing at the gate .
I cannot even imagine losing my children while I am alive, and yet there are so many mothers and fathers who have buried their children. My sincere condolences!
Many have been carrying a broken heart in their hearts for many months and years. Where do we even begin to find comfort in such painful moments?
Nain means green pastures, lovely. Green pastures symbolize abundance, sustenance, and life.
The widow of Nain has nothing that looked like green pastures. There was nothing that looked lovely in her life.
She was a sorrowful, and a weeping woman who lost her soul mate and only beloved son. I imagine her slowly walking with her one hand resting on her chest, and the other wiping away the tears.
LUKE 7:13 , AMP : When the Lord saw her, He felt [great] compassion for her, and said to her, “Do not weep.”
But Jesus saw this woman
Jesus’ heart overflowed with compassion for her(NLT)
His heart broke for her (the Message)
HE spoke to her and said to her “DO NOT WEEP” “Don’t Cry”
Luke 7: 14 , KJV- And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.
He walked up to her, and touched the bier.
Great spiritual truths from this story
Tragedies/death/sufferings are real and can happen to any one of us. It is healthy to weep and mourn when we undergo a broken heart.
The loss we experienced may not be always brought back to life. But Jesus can truly comfort us and heal us.
Jesus can spot us even in the crowd and is not overwhelmed by the multitude that gather around HIM.
Jesus will meet us up on the way, He will touch us lovingly and gently. HE will wipe away our tears and whisper “Do not cry, (insert your name).
He notices this heavy bier we have been carrying a long time all alone, or sometimes in the presence of a huge crowd.
And when Jesus sees us, He will groan and weep with us.
He will have compassion on us, and comfort us
The Lord has seen your weeping heart and He is weeping with you.
Dear Broken heart, thus says the Lord to you today :
ARISE from the shackles that have tied you down. Let loose, says thy Maker.
You are not a widow, childless, victim of abuse, or BROKEN.
Rise Up and feel alive in Christ, the only Son of man whose touch can heal you.
Arise, for the Lord is thy shield, refuge, and fortress.
Wipe your tears, for your mourning days are ending soon, and you will witness great healing and restoration.
Do not ever be afraid of any man for they cannot touch your precious soul.
God has seen you in the crowd, your tears in the dark, and the burdens you have been carrying.
Women of God ,arise ! Let us stand in the gap and intercede for those who have been carrying the weight of their past, the weight of their hurts, and the weight of their lifeless relationships.
Here are 6 comforting verses from the Bible to the one carrying broken heart :
Reflection :
–How long have you been walking with a broken heart? How can I fast and pray for you today?
–Is there a story from the Bible that has comforted you in your situation?
–Do you believe God is to be blamed for the sufferings of this world or is it the ever-increasing sins of mankind?
**Won’t you share this post and tell every broken heart that the Lord has seen their tears, and wants them to ARISE .
I appreciate your valuable comments as well.
Healed by the gentle touch of her Maker,
September 27, 2017 at 2:21 pmMy father died when I was 9. Though I know my mother, we have never really had a strong mother-daughter relationship. My heart grieves for that. I feel like an orphan at times and sometimes weep for a loss I never really had but desperately desire. I have found comfort in knowing the love of my FATHER. He truly has been my saving grace. I have learned to cast my cares on Him because I know he cares for me.
Thanks for a great post Diana
September 28, 2017 at 9:46 amLureta, I am so sorry for the loss of your daddy. Sometimes we do not have an answer about why some relationships do not work. From my personal experience I have realized even when man fails, God never fails.
Praying for your heart.
Kim Nolywaika
September 28, 2017 at 3:03 amI read every word. Thank you.
September 28, 2017 at 9:49 amKim, I meant every word I wrote and I am so glad you took your precious time to read them all. Means a lot. I pray you have a blessed day
September 28, 2017 at 8:59 amYou have such a beautiful and compassionate heart, Diana. I love the verses in the Bible that speak of Jesus’ humanity and compassion, and the deep grieving He felt with us at the sorrow of death even knowing His power to conquer death and the beauty of Heaven awaiting believers. He showed that while it’s good to have hope in Heaven and to find comfort in the Lord, it’s also okay to weep and mourn. “But take heart, [He has] overcome the world.” Amen! Visiting you from LFT. xoxoxo
September 28, 2017 at 9:50 amRebecca, you made my day with such sweet comment. I pray I have compassion like our Lord ,and weep with those who weep. The Lord has overcome the world, and therefore we can find comfort in all our grievings
Bev @ Walking Well With God
September 28, 2017 at 10:21 amDiana,
Beautiful post! I love all the verses you shared, though I am not as familiar with the last two. What reassurance that when we suffer, we can count on God’s promises (which are always for good) and we can find refuge and comfort in our Rock. Thank you for reminding us of the Lord’s great compassion for those who grieve.
Bev xx
September 28, 2017 at 10:27 amThank you ,Bev. I look forward to your comments here all the time
The last verse is also a song “Hear my cry ,O lord, attend unto to my prayer, from the ends of the earth, will I cry unto thee”
Naomi Fata
September 28, 2017 at 10:45 amThanks for the reminder Diana – I have been in that place of brokenness and even though I sometimes I think I am totally healed I find that He is continually healing my heart more and more. Recently I have been listening to Ann Voskamp’s Broken Way. A quote that stuck with me yesterday was “when you are the realist about your brokenness that is when you can know you are most beloved.” How true that when we bring Him our pain we feel His love!
Blessings today
October 2, 2017 at 9:46 amI was encouraged by your comment, Naomi. I haven’t read Ann’s book yet, but it is on my bucket list . We need to accept our brokenness for Christ to touch and heal us gently.
Jennifer Sustaita
September 28, 2017 at 7:10 pmPerfect verses for the broken hearted.
September 29, 2017 at 8:50 amSuch beautifully comforting words! Thank you for sharing and encouraging! Blessings!
October 2, 2017 at 9:45 amGod is good ,and to Him be all the glory for this message . Thank you ,Liz for commenting
October 1, 2017 at 9:53 amDiana, thank you for sharing this with me. I believe we need to circle around each other with prayer and scripture and we must share our heartache. The more we speak it, the more we face it. Blessings on your Sunday.
October 2, 2017 at 9:44 amJamie, so glad to see you here again. Yes, I agree with you that we must circle each other with lots of prayer so that we can find healing in Christ
Joanne Viola
October 2, 2017 at 8:36 amDiana, just beautiful. Psalm 56:8 has always been precious to me. Amazing to think how not one tear has gone unseen. Oh how deeply He loves us all! Blessings!
October 2, 2017 at 9:43 amThank you Joanne for your precious comment . Yes, the love the Lord has for us is so amazing, not one tear will go unaccounted for.
jodie filogomo
October 3, 2017 at 8:14 amSuch a great post to read this morning…especially after what happened yesterday.
Thank you
October 6, 2017 at 10:05 pmThankyou for this encouragement! *hug* It was very timely for me to read this today.
Lori Schumaker
October 9, 2017 at 1:08 amWhat a beautiful collection of verses, Diana! And I love the pinnable image you made to go with it! Awesome!!!! Thank you so much for sharing hope alongside me at #MomentsofHope ♥
Much love,
November 17, 2017 at 9:26 pmThank you ,Lori for your loving words. These verses have helped me as well, and I wanted to share it with the world. Blessings
December 23, 2017 at 3:22 pmI love this, Diana! You have written from the heart, not just yours but the Lord’s. Thank you!
December 23, 2017 at 3:25 pmI am encouraged to read your comment, Trish
thank you for visiting my blog today. Wish you and your family a blessed Christmas !!
October 12, 2018 at 5:05 amI recently got dumped by a man without any explanations by just missing and blocking the communications.
I understand that we may have issue between us, but I cannot move on without closure. I am confused, ashamed and feel so foolish that once I opened my heart to this man. I feel rejected and longing for a closure. I cannot accept his actions, and grieving for explanations.
Please pray for me, I am so broken.
October 14, 2018 at 10:43 amYou are experiencing a broken heart, Hardhita and it is absolutely okay to cry and grieve over a relationship . I pray that you will find closure about this and find it in your heart to forgive the person who caused you this pain so that you can be free and move on . I pray that you will be able to laugh and find happiness again. Life in this world do cause lot of grief but in Jesus Christ we can experience freedom and joy. So never lose that joy, Okay?
Dan Shoffner
May 31, 2019 at 11:03 amThough written mostly for women, I have recently found Diana’s Diarys, and have become deeply engrossed in your writings and your love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Having suffered the loss of my parents, and four siblings to cancer, all at young ages, I was not happy with life. Then the loss of my wife, my soulmate, best friend, also to cancer, I began to wonder if I can really be happy again. Your direction to verses in the Bible, are a roadmap that has helped me to regain strength and understanding. I will never understand why so many good people are called home at an early age, but at least I have the knowledge that someday I WILL be reunited with them in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Thank you, and God Bless you for your good work.
May 31, 2019 at 1:53 pmBrother Dan, Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. You have no idea how much I am encouraged by your visit. First of all, my heartfelt and sincere condolences to you brother. You have suffered such huge losses and yet you took your time out to be an encourager to me today. Death and sicknesses are unbearable for us on this earth, but for a born again believer , we know that all who have passed away are in the presence of our Lord and we shall surely meet them. I see Jesus standing right at the gate of your mourning and wiping away your tears. You are not alone as many of us have suffered losses in different ways. We belong to other world that is filled with Joy. Blessings and Heavenly comfort upon you. Sister Diana
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Dawn M. Klinge
January 13, 2020 at 11:25 amBeautifully written, Diana. I cling to the verses that remind me who God is when I am hurting. He meets us in our pain and offers healing. I love the verses you shared here.
January 13, 2020 at 11:27 amOnly God can heal us from our hurts. There are so many around us in deep pain. May the Lord comfort them . Love you friend
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