<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss" xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" > <channel> <title>storms Archives - Diana's Diaries</title> <atom:link href="https://dianasdiaries.com/tag/storms/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link>https://dianasdiaries.com/tag/storms/</link> <description>Christ Centered Devotionals | Live deep-rooted in the WORD and not the World</description> <lastBuildDate>Tue, 09 Jul 2019 22:16:48 +0000</lastBuildDate> <language>en-US</language> <sy:updatePeriod> hourly </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency> 1 </sy:updateFrequency> <generator>https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1</generator> <image> <url>https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cropped-site-Logo-3.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1</url> <title>storms Archives - Diana's Diaries</title> <link>https://dianasdiaries.com/tag/storms/</link> <width>32</width> <height>32</height> </image> <site xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">119615308</site> <item> <title>FEAR NOT: God’s powerful Promise during fearful times</title> <link>https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/</link> <comments>https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/#comments</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[Diana]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 28 Jan 2017 06:00:41 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[HEALING]]></category> <category><![CDATA[JESUS and FAITH]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Motherhood]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Christian Faith]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Faith]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Fear]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Fear Not]]></category> <category><![CDATA[fiery trials]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Isaiah 41:10]]></category> <category><![CDATA[isaiah 41:13]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Perfecter of Faith]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Prayer over fear]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Promise of God]]></category> <category><![CDATA[storms]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Trials]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Triumph]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://dianasdiaries.com/?p=374</guid> <description><![CDATA[<p>‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10 (NASB) Have you experienced a life changing event that rocked your world upside down? When […]</p> <p>The post <a href="https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/">FEAR NOT: God’s powerful Promise during fearful times</a> appeared first on <a href="https://dianasdiaries.com">Diana's Diaries</a>.</p> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<blockquote><p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10 (NASB)<span class="p"><br /> </span></span></span></p></blockquote> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Have you experienced a life changing event that rocked your world upside down? </span></span><span id="more-374"></span></p> <h5><strong><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">When I was fearful</span></span></strong></h5> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">A sudden demise in a relationship or loved one, a fatal accident, a sudden diagnosis, feeling of being alone all your life? Has FEAR taken over your life, while faith began to crumble? If so, my Friend this message is for you. </span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">I was 22 weeks pregnant with my triplets ,and had to rush myself to the hospital one morning because I noticed some unusual happenings. I got admitted and was examined by a group of high risk doctors. </span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Every one of them told me if I am to deliver today my babies won’t be viable and they will be born with long term defects. Here I am a first time mom who had prayed for years to be blessed now hearing that the kids won’t survive.</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Fear started to creep in slowly around me. I prayed, “Lord, I need your strength in my weakest moment right now. Please speak to me .“</span><span style="color: #000000;"> </span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">The TV was playing nearby and I asked the nurse to help me change it to some other channel, she would flip to different channels until she clicked on a completely unusual channel. I noticed a man was preaching to an audience. </span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">The preacher spoke not in English, but in my native language. The words echoed my ears as the preacher repeated the verse loud and clear <strong>“Fear Not, For I am with You”.</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Tears streamed as I praised God for comforting me in what I thought was my darkest hour. </span><span style="color: #000000;"> There were so many movies, soap operas, sports channel and yet God spoke to me that day in the monitor room in the language I am very familiar with . Soon after the channel got changed to a secular one. </span></span></p> <p> </p> <h4>God still speaks</h4> <blockquote><p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">Our God is the God of all languages, all nations, all race, and all mankind. </span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">He will speak to us either through a person, through our circumstances, through music, or through a Message. Seek Him and you will find Him near<span style="color: #000000;"><span style="color: #008000;">. Amen?</span></span></span></p></blockquote> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">The storms of life </span><span style="color: #000000;"> </span><span style="color: #000000;">and fiery trials will most certainly come ,but the Lord says through all that He will be with us and will not let any of those consume us ,destroy us, or overwhelm us.</span></span></p> <p><strong>The Lord says</strong>, “Daro mat”(Hindi) ,”Do Not Fear “, “ No Temais”(Spanish), “не бойтесь(Russian), “لا خوف” (Arabic) <strong>Isaiah 41:10</strong> <span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="color: #008000;"><span style="color: #000000;">“</span><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;"><span style="color: #000000;">“Non Temere”(Italian),” keine Angst(German), “faire sans crainte(French</span>)</span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="color: #808080;"><strong><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">[ Insert your name and say it aloud in the language you are familiar with]</span></strong></span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; color: #000000; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">I remained in the hospital until I would give birth in Room no. 316. The trials didn’t go away but God remained closer. </span></p> <blockquote><p><span style="margin: 0px; color: #000000; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">God, the Father who gave His begotten Son so that I could live was more than enough for my triplets. JOHN 3:16</span></p></blockquote> <p> </p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; color: #000000; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">4 weeks later, at 26 weeks I gave birth to my triplets via emergency C-section. I saw their fragile 1-pound body in the NICU but it was God’s Promise “Fear Not” that sustained me then and even today as I continue to raise my children in the Lord. </span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <div class="tweet-box ctt-box-design-4 ctt-color-1 "> <a href="http://ctt.ec/A505S" target="_blank" > <p class="ctt-font-original">Let us vow to stand on the promises of God rather than slip away hearing the lies of the Devil</p> <div class="click-to-tweet"><i></i><span class="cta-pr">Click To Tweet</span></div> </a> </div> <p> </p> <p><a href="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?ssl=1"><img data-recalc-dims="1" fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" data-attachment-id="2585" data-permalink="https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/fear-not-isaiah-41_10/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?fit=735%2C1102&ssl=1" data-orig-size="735,1102" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Fear Not Isaiah 41_10" data-image-description="<p>God’s Promise doesnt alter nor does it lose its power over time. A few years ago, i was pregnant for the first time with my triplets. But compllications arose, and fear wanted to strangle me. Here is a testimony and a prayer on how God spoke to me during my most fearful time. #FearNot #Bibleverse</p> " data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?fit=200%2C300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?fit=683%2C1024&ssl=1" class="alignnone wp-image-2585" title="God's Promise doesnt alter nor does it lose its power over time. A few years ago, i was pregnant for the first time with my triplets. But compllications arose, and fear wanted to strangle me. Here is a testimony and a prayer on how God spoke to me during my most fearful time. #FearNot #Bibleverse #isaiah4110" src="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?resize=600%2C900&ssl=1" alt="Fear Not isaiah 41_10" width="600" height="900" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?w=735&ssl=1 735w, https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?resize=200%2C300&ssl=1 200w, https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fear-Not-Isaiah-41_10.png?resize=683%2C1024&ssl=1 683w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /></a></p> <h5></h5> <h5><strong><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">FEAR NOT:</span></span></strong></h5> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">What is that one thing that you are afraid of facing, fellow traveller?</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Does it cripple your daily activities, relationship, and mind?</span></span></p> <p>—<span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">Fear not, God is with you in your daily struggles, in your weaknesses, in your heartbreaks.</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">–Fear Not ,God is with you as you feel drowned in your sorrows, and in your fiery trials.</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">–Fear Not ,God is with you as you tread alone or begin take a stumble and fall.</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;">–Fear not, God is with you during your sickness, and storms. He will never leave you nor forsake you.</span></span></p> <h5></h5> <h5><strong>How can I pray?</strong></h5> <p>Dear Friend, how can I pray for you today?</p> <p>Can I share with you these verses to comfort your fearful heart?</p> <blockquote><p><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong><span style="color: #008000;"><span style="color: #000000;">Joshua 1:9</span></span></strong> Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the <span class="small-caps">Lord</span> your God is with you wherever you go.</span></span></p> <p><span style="margin: 0px; color: #000000; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><strong>Psalm 34:4</strong> I sought the <span class="small-caps">Lord</span>, and He answered me, <span class="text Ps-34-4">and delivered me from all my fears.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><b><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">Isaiah 41:13 </span></b><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"> “For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, </span><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">Fear not</span><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;">; I will help thee.”</span></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;">Psalm 66:12 </span></strong><span class="text Ps-66-12"><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;">We went through fire and through water, </span></span><span class="text Ps-66-12"><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;">Yet You brought us out into </span><i><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;">a place of</span></i><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;"> abundance.</span></span><span style="font-family: Bookman Old Style;">(NASB)</span></span></p></blockquote> <p> </p> <p><em><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style',serif; font-size: 12pt;"><a href="https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/prayer-against-fear/" rel="attachment wp-att-1537"><img data-recalc-dims="1" decoding="async" data-attachment-id="1537" data-permalink="https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/prayer-against-fear/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?fit=800%2C2000&ssl=1" data-orig-size="800,2000" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="prayer against fear" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?fit=120%2C300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?fit=410%2C1024&ssl=1" class="aligncenter wp-image-1537 size-large" title="Fear Not says Yahweh. Today,God wants to transform your every fear into songs of faith. May this prayer help you to get over the little and big fears in your life. Do read my post about the time God allowed me to face my fear in my most trying time.Much blessings, Diana #prayer #nofear #Fearnot #Isaiah41" src="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?resize=410%2C1024&ssl=1" alt="Prayer against fear" width="410" height="1024" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?resize=410%2C1024&ssl=1 410w, https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?resize=120%2C300&ssl=1 120w, https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?resize=768%2C1920&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/dianasdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/prayer-against-fear.png?w=800&ssl=1 800w" sizes="(max-width: 410px) 100vw, 410px" /></a></span></em></p> <p>Until we meet again here,</p> <p>Diana</p> <div class="twitter-share"><a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdianasdiaries.com%2F2017%2F01%2F28%2Ffear-not%2F&via=Dianas_Diaries&related=dianas_diaries%3ADiana" class="twitter-share-button" data-size="large">Tweet</a></div> <p>The post <a href="https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/">FEAR NOT: God’s powerful Promise during fearful times</a> appeared first on <a href="https://dianasdiaries.com">Diana's Diaries</a>.</p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://dianasdiaries.com/2017/01/28/fear-not/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>28</slash:comments> <post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">374</post-id> </item> </channel> </rss>